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Gzip is a file compression tool , a process which reduces the file transfer time from server to client's browser.
Webpages consist of a series of JavaScript (JS), CSS, and HTML files. The more complicated the webpage format, the larger the webpage code files that slow down the webpage loading speed on the client’s browser. File compression decreases the page load time and the required bandwidth.
Nowadays, most browsers and webservers support gzip for file compression, which can deliver a nearly 70% data compression ratio on average.

Why gzip?

Arvancloud employs gzip to compress HTTP content before transferring them to user systems.
In fact, gzip searches for repetitive strings in files and replaces them with the pointer, pointing to the first string to significantly decrease the size of texts existing in a file, which can be explained by the fact that empty spaces and repetitive texts usually occupy large parts of files.
In addition to speed enhancement and the need for a lower bandwidth to load webpages, file size reduction through gzip decreases the SSL overhead because gzip can reduce the number of times information is sent and received over the SSL handshake process.
Regarding the communications between a server and a client browser, gzip operations are as follows:

  • A gzip-compatible browser sends a request to the webserver.
  • Receiving this request and determining the gzip compatibility of the browser, the webserver sends a gzip-compressed version of files to the browser.
  • The browser receives the compressed file, decompresses it, and accesses its contents.

If a browser is incompatible with gzip (such as older versions of browsers), the webserver has to send a non-compressed version of files to the browser.

Gzip in Arvancloud CDN

Most CDNs relieve administrators of the compression responsibility by providing the automatic file compression feature through gzip. In fact, CDNs benefit from front end optimization (FEO) tools and techniques, one of which is gzip, to reduce the file size as much as possible. Another gzip supplementary method is Minification which can be used along with gzip to significantly reduce the output file size.
Minification eliminates empty spaces, comments, line breaks, etc. in JS, HTML, and CSS files to reduce the file size by 50% on average. Then, these files are compressed through gzip. Therefore, the size of files sent by CDN servers to client browsers will be greatly minimized, considerably increasing webpage loading speed.

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