• 8 September 2024

Sometimes, to increase performance or storage, it is necessary to change and increase the size of Windows Instance resources such as CPU, RAM, and disk space. This is called Vertical Scaling.

In this guide, we will discuss how to change the size of Windows Instance resources through the ArvanCloud user panel.

Note: Be careful that reducing disk is impossible because this can lead to losing some data stored on the Instance.

View Windows Instance Resources

Before changing Instance resources, it is better to make sure of your current Instance resources. To find out the amount of Windows Instance resources, after connecting to the Instance, right-click the Start button and select the Task Manager option. You can also use the Alt+Ctrl+Del shortcut keys for this.

In the opened window, go to the Performance tab. On this page, you can see your Instance’s CPU and RAM.

Also, to see the amount of space on your Instance, right-click the Start button again and select Disk Management. You can see the amount of disk space allocated to your Instance in the opened window.

Resizing Windows Instance Resources

To change the size of your Instance resources, go to the cloud computing product and then the Instances section in the ArvanCloud user panel. Then, in the opened window, select the resource you want to resize and click on the resize option from the left menu.

On the opened page, you can use the specified plans to increase the volume of resources or your desired amount by selecting the preferred size option. However, be careful that with the increase in the number of Instance resources, your Instance will be restarted.

After changing the size of the resources and restarting the Instance, you can connect to the Instance and check the Task Manager and Disk Management again to ensure that the number of resources has increased to your Instance. Finally, you can divide this newly added space into new partitions.