• 8 September 2024

This error occurs when the browser is trying to open your website and different locations are sent to the browser and in fact the browser doesn’t detect which location is correct and repeatedly tries to fix the location. After 16 times of trying, the error shows up.

In other words, the browser in in a loop that repeatedly sent to different address and it cannot find the correct location and address.

When does this error occur when using ArvanCloud Services?

1- When you activate HTTPS settings for your website, you need to consider a few scenarios:

1.1- IF you’re only responding the requests from your web server in HTTP, you need to disable the “Secure connection of HTTPS with Origin Server” in this page, so that the requests sent from ArvanCloud to your server are done with port 80 and HTTP protocol.

1.2. IF you’re only responding the requests from your web server in HTTPS, you need to enable the “Secure connection of HTTPS with Origin Server” , so that the request sent fro ArvanCloud to your origin server are sent with port 443 and HTTPS protocol.

1.3. If you’re responding to the requests from your web server in both HTTPS and HTTPS, set the “Secure connection of HTTPS with Origin Server” setting on automatic mode so that the requests sent to your origin server will be matched with the same protocol requested from your users.

This means if a user sends the request in HTTP, ArvanCloud will return the requests in HTTP to your web server and  if the user sends the request in HTTPS, ArvanCloud will return the requests in HTTPS.

2- When you have enabled the “Transfer domain to www” in your CDN setting, and in your web server you have made a setting that your website is uploaded without WWW and you redirect any request including WWW to requests without WWW.