Before we discuss the “ArvanCloud Video Streaming Use Cases”, first, we will talk about the concept of live streaming; with streaming, a user can watch a video without downloading the entire file (usually multimedia files) from the point of their choice.

With this technology, data is continuously transferred from the server to the user’s computer, and at the same time as this transfer, watching the transferred parts is possible. Using this method, which utilizes common standards such as HLS and DASH, video files are split into very short parts of a few seconds and then transferred, which is used not only for live broadcasts on the internet but also for VOD or media streaming.

How Streaming Works?

Normally, when a user watches a video on the internet, the stream is constantly transmitted from the server to the video player. You have to use a player such as Flash or Silver light to be able to implement live streaming on the website. ArvanCloud will allow you to use a dedicated video player.

You can use ArvanCloud’s live streaming service in a number of ways. One of the most simple ways is using a webcam, cell phone, or laptop camera. Using this very cheap and convenient method, you will be able to hold a live webinar or training session.

To do this, you just need to register on the ArvanCloud website or log in and navigate to the Video and Live Streaming section in case you already have an account. Below we will provide you with the necessary guides to help you create an account and get started with the live streaming platform.

Having entered the panel and navigated to the live streaming platform page, proceed to the “List of live broadcasts” section. In this section, you will be able to see the streams that you created earlier. Just click on the stream you want to go to the next step.

Copy the URL from this section and then paste it into the “Settings” section of the OBS software.

You will need to cut the last part of the URL in this section and copy it to the bottom part.

Note: This is not necessary with some programs, and the entire URL should be copied in one piece.

After finishing this step, you should save the changes and close the settings page.

After that, click on the Start Streaming option to start live streaming.

You can view the images by refreshing the page in the ArvanCloud panel. You can easily set up a virtual training class using this method and simultaneously live stream images in the jpeg and png format and the PowerPoint and pdf files together with your camera’s live feed.