• 8 September 2024

Sometimes, for reasons such as performance or the need for more storage space for data, the resources of a Linux Instance in use, such as CPU, RAM, and disk space allocated to it, should be resized and increased. This operation is called Vertical Scaling.

This guide will discuss resizing Linux Instance resources through the ArvanCloud user panel.

Note: Be careful that reducing the disk space is impossible because this can lead to data loss.

Checking Instance Resources

You must first connect to your Instance to know the size of resources allocated to it. The following guide will help you in this regard.

After connecting to the Instance, you can use the following command to check your Instance RAM size. In the output of this command, the entire section shows the amount of RAM in your Instance.

You can also use the following command to check your Instance CPU:

And finally, to check the amount of disk space allocated to your instance, you can use the following command:

Resizing Linux Instance resources

To change the size of your Instance resources, go to the cloud server panel and then the Instance section. Then, in the opened window, select the resource you want to resize and click on the resize option from the left menu.

On the opened page, you can use the specified plans to increase or decrease the size of resources to your desired amount by selecting the preferred size option. However, be careful that with resizing Instance resources, your Instance will be restarted.

After resizing the resource and restarting the Instance, you can ensure the increase with the help of the commands described in the previous section. Likewise, after restarting, you will ensure that these resources are added to the Instance by connecting to it and using the commands again.

Checking RAM size:

Checking the CPU size:

Checking disk space:

Be careful that this new space is added to the main directory (i.e., the root or / directory).

The outputs show that new resources have been added to the Instance. Finally, if you plan to partition the new space allocated to your Instance, the following guide will help you: