• 16 September 2024

After registering a domain in ArvanCloud, two nameservers will be set for you in the CDN menu of the User Panel and in the DNS Records section, which you need to change in your domain registrar, i.e. in the administration panel of the website where you purchased your domain.

However, in order to prevent the website from malfunctioning when you change the NSs, you must first do the following:

  • Verify the correct transfer of the A records and their IP: The first step after registering the domain in the ArvanCloud user panel is to verify the correct transfer of the A records and check if the IP address registered for them is correct. Make sure that the IP address registered for an A record is the IP address of the main server hosting your website. Any other IP address should be changed to the address of the main server of the website host.
  • Define other records: If you have other records such as MX, TXT or… defined in your previous DNS server for the domain, you need to define them in the DNS Records section of the ArvanCloud user panel. cPanel or Direct Admin hosts are usually DNS servers as well. If you are using them, contact your host to find out all the domain records. If you are an organization that has its own DNS server, see your DNS server settings and add any defined records in the ArvanCloud User Panel, CDN Product, Records Management section. If you want to use your own nameserver, you can also use the customization feature NS.
  • Change NSs: In this step, you need to change your NSs in the panel of the website you purchased your domain from (e.g. irnic, name.com or…) to the NSs that ArvanCloud has set for you in the DNS Records section. Make sure that the order in which you enter these NSs makes no difference.

Note 1: After changing the NSs, it takes a while for the NSs in the DNS servers around the world to be updated and changed to the new NS. It is important to note that domains belonging to .com or .org TLDs are usually updated after 5 hours, but for domains belonging to .ir TLD, it usually takes 48 hours.

Note 2: If after changing the NSs on the website you bought your domain from, in the ArvanCloud User Panel, Cloud DNS Product, Dashboard, instead of the active term, the term “pending NS change” is still inserted in front of your domain, it is because the NSs associated with your website are not changed on all DNS servers in the world. This update usually takes a while. To check if the NS records for your website have been updated on all DNS servers in the world, you can use the dig or nslookup commands, or DNS Checker and whatsmydns.net. Once the NS records for your website have been updated on all DNS servers in the world, your website will automatically switch to active status.