When an Instance is created in ArvanCloud, by default, the ability to connect to the Internet is available for the Instance, and the user can connect to it through SSH or Remote Desktop. Therefore, in this section, Instance protection is vital so that Internet attackers cannot access the user’s Instance.
When you create a new Instance, it is automatically placed in the “default” security group, with ports 22 and 3389 open. But to ensure the security of the Instance, two issues have been taken into consideration:
- Windows Instances do not have remote desktop functionality after creation. Instead, for the first time, the user must connect to the Instance in the console form and enter their desired password so that he can remote Instance after that.
- For Linux Instances, the ability to connect with the help of an SSH Key is considered so that no password is generated for the Instance, and the user can only connect to it with their own key. Therefore, this method is one of the best ways to securely connect to the Instance.
*** The method of generating the key and connecting to the Instance through it is fully explained in connecting to the Instance article.
Another feature in ArvanCloud’s infrastructure is the “Private Network” feature. In this way, your Instances will be created without a Valid Internet IP, so that you will no longer have to worry about accessing the Instance through the Internet, and you can easily access your Instance from the console. Also, with the help of a floating IP, you can get a NAT IP for such instances to connect to the Internet safely.
The most crucial security part of ArvanCloud Cloud Servers is the firewall part. In this section, you can easily block any port from any source or to any destination to safely ensure that your Instance is safe.