• 8 September 2024

After changing your NS records in order to use ArvanCloud CDN, there’s a possibility that changes are not implemented immediately. This problem occurs for two reasons:

First Reason: Delay in implementation of the changes

You have changed your NS but your changes are not implemented yet.

.Com Domains
For .com domains, the changes are implemented right away but regarding the TTL of your NS record, until the expiration date of records, your NS will remain the previous name server.

To make sure about the changes in your NS, you can go to the website
www.whatsmydns.net and enter your domain name in order to check your NS status


Second Reason: The cloud is not activated

The NS changes are implemented but your cloud is not active in the panel. The cloud sign in the panel allows you to activate or deactivate it in the DNS setting whenever needed, and choose to pass your website traffic through ArvanCloud or not. You can activate your cloud domain as follows :