Object Storage Pricing
5 GB Free Storage
20 GB Free Traffic
Custom Domain
Static Website
Bucket Policy Feature
500 GB Storage
2 TB Traffic
10 Firewall Rules
Cache Management
Replication Feature
5 TB Storage
20 TB Traffic
Image Resize and Optimization
20 Firewall Rules
Access Point Feature
Unlimited Storage
Unlimited Traffic
Unlimited Requests
200 Firewall Rules
Exclusive Services
Yes. By choosing the Basic Plan, you can use 5 GB of storage and 20 GB of traffic for free every month. However, you need to buy the Growth or Professional plans to use more advanced features of Object Storage.
Object Storage pricing is determined based on the parameters of storage space, consumed traffic, and acceleration feature. Also, other functional features in different packages can be effective in the final amount.
To buy either Growth or Professional plan of Arvancloud Object Storage, your user account must have at least 14 days of credit for your intended package (50% of the package price).
Yes, you can use more advanced features and resources of Object Storage at any time by choosing a higher plan. But remember that upgrading or downgrading your package is only possible 2 times a month.
No, the Basic Plan does not have a time limit, and you can use the resources and features of this package. However, if you use more resources, additional usage costs will be deducted from your wallet credit. So, it is suggested that you buy higher packages to save money.
If your consumption exceeds the resources of your package, you will be charged additional costs, which will be deducted from your wallet in the form of "Pay-As-You-Go" or PAYG. In Arvancloud Object Storage, additional usage costs are € 0.02 per GB of storage and € 0.012 per GB of traffic.
Yes, you can choose Arvancloud Enterprise Plan, use exclusive customized object storage services for your business, and pay for it within flexible contracts.