Knowledge Base

ArvanCloud Supportive Approach

ArvanCloud defines the main foundation of its business as 'Empowering People through Technology.' The company is focused on being actively involved in social responsibility, awareness-raising, and advocacy. By undertaking various initiatives in this direction, ArvanCloud remains committed to this promise.
Social Responsibility
ArvanCloud has always tried to carry out various actions in the field of social responsibility alongside developing tech products. This includes backing startups, helping students, partnering with NGOs, and empowering underprivileged youth through education.
Social Responsibility in ArvanCloud Social Responsibility in ArvanCloud
Transparency Report
ArvanCloud is the only Iranian company that, like global tech companies, shares a report every quarter. This report reveals how many accepted or rejected requests, orders, and complaints were received from government, legal authorities, and internet enforcement agencies.
Transparency report table Transparency report table
Open-Source Projects
ArvanCloud aims to support the open-source community, and it has always offered many of its practical features in an open-source and public manner. Numerous developers can access features and functionalities of cloud products in a fair platform.
Open source projects platform Open source projects platform

Free Products and Services

ArvanCloud always sets aside some of its products for better access to personal websites and small businesses in free packages. With the "Basic" package, all users can enjoy a wide range of cloud features without any financial worries.
ArvanCloud and Social Concerns
ArvanCloud started with creating cloud tech products, but it didn't stop there. In addition to improving cloud products, the company is working on social responsibility-related issues to achieve its goal of empowering people through technology.
Startup Support
Tech Ambassadors
Educational Empoverment
NGO Assistance
Knowledge Development
Cloud Contest
Startup Support
By providing infrastructural support to new start-ups, ArvanCloud tries to help these businesses to focus on the development of their products instead of infrastructural concerns.
Tech Ambassadors
ArvanCloud tries to help more representatives of IT fields from Iran participate in national and international competitions by providing educational and equipment support to the scientific elite.
Educational empoverment of underprivileged teenagers
With the aim of educational empowerment and creating social equality, ArvanCloud started training underprivileged teenagers and young people in the winter of 2019, so that they will have more opportunities in the labor market.
NGO Assistance
ArvanCloud provides infrastructural support to NGOs, independent events, student competitions, and public interest projects. It helps with their development and facilitation by reducing the costs of such activities.
Cloud Knowledge Development
ArvanCloud has always tried to develop cloud knowledge on a larger scale and increase the range of activities in this industry by empowering those who are interested in this field.
Cloud Contest
Cloud Contest is a competition organized by ArvanCloud with the aim of forming independent start-up businesses and focusing on the development of cloud products to pave the way for supporting practical and effective ideas.

A Supporter of the Open-Source Community

Advocacy for Internet Freedom

Understanding the state of the internet in Iran is a crucial move for supporting an open internet. That's why ArvanCloud is working to make this area more transparent by launching and supporting different services. Through its various actions, the company is always on the side of advocating for an accessible internet.
Trade Union Demands
ArvanCloud always works with other internet businesses in the country to demand that businesses and their users have the right to access the internet. It joined 47 other internet businesses in raising objections against restrictions. Moreover, when internet limitations were imposed in the fall of 2022, ArvanCloud, along with other members of the Electronic Commerce Association, protested against these restrictions and called for their removal.
Joint Statement of Opposition to the Protection Bill Joint Statement of Opposition to the Protection Bill
Opposing Protection Bill
Simultaneously with the launch of the Protection Bill, ArvanCloud introduced the CDN app to enable websites to activate a banner opposing the Protection Bill with just one click. with this feature from ArvanCloud, the dissent banner was widely published on 250 Iranian websites.
An Infrastructure for
During the launch of the Protection Bill, many users expressed their objections through ArvanCloud contributed by providing free infrastructure to this platform, facilitating the creation of users' protest videos and making them easily accessible to users. This way, the opinions of the Iranian population could effectively be reflected on social networks.

ArvanCloud Radar System

With a distributed infrastructure, ArvanCloud provides real-time reports on the status of internet connections through its Radar system for public awareness. Many users can receive instant reports on the potential status of the internet in Iran.

ArvanCloud Radar