As Agile as the MigMig

As Agile as the MigMig

ArvanCloud’s MigMig service considerably increases the loading speed of dynamic webpages through establishing a secure connection between ArvanCloud servers and the main webhosting servers.

Taking advantage of its specialized algorithm, MigMig compresses the uncacheable, continuously-changing contents of dynamic webpages, separately sending the modified files to reduce the required bandwidth, data transmission duration, and the total loading time of webpages.

Why Use ArvanCloud’s MigMig?

ArvanCloud’s content delivery network (CDN) allows you to send data to the clients at the shortest time and fastest speed possible. Using the CDN, the contents of a website (such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files) are cached in ArvanCloud servers located all around the globe. When an access request for a website is made by a user, instead of connecting to the server hosting the main website, the user receives its response from the closest ArvanCloud datacenter.
However, given the continuously changing contents of some websites, caching their resources on CDN servers is not feasible, for example on websites that are continuously updated with the latest news. Due to these rapid and dynamic changes in the website contents, the CDN servers, upon receiving an access request for the website, are forced to establish a new TCP connection to the main server and receive the required resources for loading the webpages. If such dynamic resources are not cached through an appropriate method, webpages will load with latencies and at a low speed, degrading the user experience for the visitors.
When using ArvanCloud’s MigMig, instead of sending the entire resources from the main server to the CDN each time an access request is received for the dynamic pages, only the changes in the webpages are exchanged between the two servers, providing you with the ability of content caching for dynamic webpages.


Advantages of ArvanCloud’s MigMig:

Significant increase in webpage loading speed at the shortest time possible

Continuous TCP connection between the main webhosting server and ArvanCloud’s edge server Mere transmission of the changes through highly compressed files with a small size

secure communication
Secure TLS connections to mitigate MITM attacks
http request
Sending multiple HTTP requests through a single TCP connection

using the binary and multiplexing protocol between the MigMig’s software components

Which Websites Are Most suited
to Use ArvanCloud’s MigMig Service?

Websites that most of its users are geographically far from the main hosting server.


Webhosts requiring a high bandwidth aiming to reduce their bandwidth costs.


Websites providing dynamic and quickly changing contents, such as news websites, active weblogs, and social websites.

customer user

By installing the MigMig software on the servers, the website owners will no longer need to worry about high server traffics. Regarding websites with a few changes, this improvement can reach up to 98% of the traffic.

An Overview of the Performance of ArvanCloud’s MigMig Service

The MigMig service is composed of a set of techniques that establish a secure connection between ArvanCloud’s servers and the main hosting website, through which only the modified and uncacheable resources are transferred.
This service comprises two software components referred to as the Sender and Listener. The Sender component is installed on the ArvanCloud’s servers across the globe, while the Listener is installed on the main webhosting server.

A permanent TCP connection secured using TLS is established between the Sender and Listener components. The Sender and Listener constantly track the dynamic webpages and, upon receiving an access request, cache the most recent version of the transferred webpage.

When receiving a request the resources for which are not available, the ArvanCloud’s server checks whether the MigMig service has been activated for the requested website. If not, an HTTP request is established to the main webhosting server and the required resources are requested.


On the other hand, if the MigMig service is active, the HTTP request is delivered to the Sender to be sent to the Listener. Upon receiving the request, the Listener asks for all the resources required for the requested webpage from the main server. After receiving the resources from the main server, the Listener compares these files with those cached from the last received access request for the same webpage, compressing only the modified files through a specific algorithm. The Listener then sends the compressed file to the Sender, who adds the modifications to the cached resources last updated from the most recent access request. In other words, all the files required to load the page are reconstructed and then sent to the end user.
