• 26 March 2025

A cloud server is a significant development in the world of technology. It helps many online businesses and brings many benefits to them. By purchasing a cloud server, users can pay according to their resources, saving them a lot of money.

Setting up physical servers with technical knowledge and high cost is not affordable for everyone. At the same time, you can use the features of servers in the cloud platform with just one click, and having other physical servers will be removed from the requirements checklist. If you do not know what a cloud server is and what it is used for, stay with us until the end of this article to learn more about Cloud Servers, how they work, and their benefits.

What Is Cloud?

The term “cloud” is commonly used to refer to multiple Internet-connected servers that can be rented as part of a software or application service to share the load. This means that complex processes can be distributed across several smaller computers rather than using a single powerful machine. Cloud-based services include web hosting, data and sharing, and software usage.

What Is Cloud Computing?

Simply put, cloud computing enables you to rent your IT infrastructure rather than purchase it. Companies choose to access their computing power over the internet or the cloud and pay for it as they use it rather than making significant investments in databases, software, and hardware. Servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and business intelligence are just a few of the current cloud services.

The speed, scalability, and flexibility that cloud computing offers enables firms to create, innovate, and support commercial IT solutions.

An increasing number of businesses are seeking information technology solutions in the modern world. In today’s business environment, security is a significant concern, access to information is a concern, and the cost is a major factor. Thereby, their requirements are equally varied. Whenever these situations arise, computing technology can be of great assistance.

However, there is disagreement regarding the choice between traditional and cloud computing. For many companies, choosing between these two methods can be challenging because both are capable in certain aspects.

Cloud Computing vs. Traditional Computing

  1. Basic ideology

Despite traditional computing’s roots in storing information this way, we no longer store everything on hard drives. The days of physical stores have come to an end. Businesses have traditionally stored data in data centers as a means of running networks of operations. They store physical hard drives, web servers, and physical data centers.

Cloud computing, however, is an entirely different proposition since it provides a variety of services, including storage, networking, software, servers, intelligence, and many others online.

Additionally, it is hosted by a third-party hosting company on a server accessible from the Internet and maintained by that third-party hosting company.

  1. Cost-effectiveness

There are several significant differences between traditional and cloud computing, including that cloud computing provides cost-effective solutions. The use of cloud computing makes everything hassle-free and economically feasible since there is no need for additional equipment, physical infrastructure, or equipment maintenance. Additionally, you only pay for what you use.

Cloud computing also has some significant advantages in price, such as eliminating the need for a technical support team to monitor the server, a requirement of traditional computing. It is well known that traditional computing requires considerable capital to upgrade, and you may incur a substantial financial burden if you wish to expand further.

  1. Security

Security parameters are essential, no matter what type of computer environment you use, whether traditional or cloud computing. It is interesting to note that both of these methods strive to maintain high levels of security.

Despite these changes, cloud computing provides a variety of security layers that are not available in traditional computing. This results from the multiple hosts within the cloud which minimizes the possibility of cyber-attacks.

Although traditional computing is also equipped with security measures, those measures are confined to a private layer that does not encompass all business data. Indeed, this is one of the most significant advantages of cloud computing over traditional computing.

  1. Automation

Both systems are managed differently in some important ways. The cloud is maintained by an agent who ensures smooth operation and hardware security. Further automation simplifies the process.

For traditional computing, IT professionals have to perform administrative duties throughout the night to ensure that servers are properly maintained. It is time-consuming and expensive to perform tasks such as upgrading and configuration checks manually or physically by businesses.

What Is a Cloud Server?

A cloud server is a type of virtual server. Cloud server infrastructure includes powerful resources that allow processing and storing data, applications, information, and even websites. This infrastructure may be completely virtual or physical. In this infrastructure, one (or more) servers are divided into multiple virtual machines (VM) using special cloud software. Therefore, each of these VMs can act as a separate virtual server.

These servers are equipped with special features that allow users to access all the features provided through the Internet and user interface. Many companies use XaaS components, such as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), to process large workloads or store their data and information. Cloud servers are also part of a IaaS-based model.

The cloud server user can access the server resources whenever they like and from wherever they are. With this server, you can do all the tasks that can be done on physical servers and have access to the processing power and various software that can be run on virtual servers.

Types of Cloud Servers

There are different types of cloud servers companies can choose one (or several types) according to their business needs. There are three main models, including public, private, and hybrid cloud servers, which we will define below:

Public Cloud Server

The most common and well-known cloud computing model is the public cloud. The cloud service provider owns and manages all the resources required to run the infrastructure, including servers, storage, networking components, etc., and users access these resources via the Internet.

Public clouds are multi-tenant, meaning that even while you share the infrastructure with other businesses, your workloads and data are kept separate from theirs in a private, secure virtual environment. You can rent the hardware via a subscription and only pay for the services you use, as opposed to having to own and maintain the hardware.

Private Cloud Server

A computing infrastructure that is exclusively used by one company is known as a private cloud. It may be kept in your own data center or one owned by a different service provider. The distinguishing feature is that the IT resources are managed and operated on a private network only for your use.

A private cloud is not shared with anybody else, as opposed to public clouds. Private clouds are frequently used by financial institutions, governmental organizations, and highly regulated businesses that need to exert a high degree of control over their workloads because they make customization and regulatory compliance easier to manage.

Hybrid Cloud Server

Hybrid clouds utilize resources from both public and private clouds to benefit from both. To enable seamless movement of data and applications between the two types as needs change, high levels of integration and orchestration are essential. A private cloud can be used for private processes like financial reporting, for instance. A public cloud can be used to execute high-volume, less sensitive workloads like web-based email or even sporadic activities like development and testing. Additionally, it is possible to use public cloud resources to temporarily increase capacity for private cloud applications (a process known as “cloud bursting”).

How Does a Cloud Server Work?

The cloud server works through “virtualization”. To create a cloud server, a hypervisor management software is installed on one or more physical servers to create a combination of virtual machines and launch the virtual server. Then, these virtual servers are offered over the Internet (cloud) to other organizations and customers.

As mentioned, a cloud server is known as the IaaS model, and many businesses prefer to rent space in virtual cloud servers instead of spending money on purchasing equipment and labor to maintain them.

In addition to storage capabilities, the “cloud” provides facilities such as increased bandwidth, performance speed, application and software development (PaaS), application and software hosting (SaaS), unified communication platforms (UCaaS), and other things, along with reducing infrastructure costs. For these reasons, the cloud server is considered one of the main factors for the growth of businesses.

What Are the Characteristics of a Cloud Server?

The cloud server serviced by different providers also has different characteristics. Knowing them will help you choose the best service for your business needs.

  • Depending on your business needs, it can be public, private, or hybrid which is a combination.
  • It is accessible through the Internet, so multiple users can access it at the same time.
  • It provides all the functionality that an on-premise physical server can provide.
  • It is located in different geographical locations and provides its services remotely.
  • It offers a large capacity that is suitable for processing intensive tasks and workloads and allows for storing large amounts of data and information.
  • The cost of using the cloud server can be paid monthly, annually, or Pay-As-You-Go.

Advantages of Cloud Servers

Cloud servers have entirely revolutionized the IT industry. Many companies prefer cloud technology over traditional and centralized infrastructure and servers. The reason for this is these benefits:

  1. Scalability

Computing systems and the systems you need to store data are constantly changing. Cloud servers can quickly respond to your needs and increase or decrease the number of resources you need whenever you want.

In cloud servers, you can expand the dimensions of your available server by developing your project. In fact, with cloud servers, the amount of RAM, CPU, Disk, Bandwidth, etc., can be increased or decreased on demand, without even restarting the server.

  1. Accessibility

Due to the high resistance of cloud servers against failure, these servers have the highest availability among existing servers. The cloud server is always available, and you can access it at any time of the day and night. Even if one of the physical servers has a problem, you can use the resources on other connected servers.

  1. Flexibility

The possibility of personalizing cloud servers is much more than other services. You can choose your favorite option from hundreds of operating systems and software templates or create a custom template. First, decide how much memory you need and select the cloud model you want. Also, you can use various features such as Auto Load Balancer and Firewall.

  1. Cost Effectiveness

Using cloud servers managed by third-party providers is less expensive for companies than buying and maintaining the necessary infrastructure. In this model, companies can expand server resources whenever needed and pay only for the resources they consume.

  1. Ease of Use

Cloud servers are usually set up within minutes, and you can manage them through the control panel or API. Enabling features and configuring your servers will take a couple of minutes and just a few clicks.

  1. Security

The data you store with cloud service providers may be safer than the data you have on your computer’s hard drive. Keep in mind that hackers might access the data stored on your own devices via malware and phishing emails. The security procedures implemented by larger organizations offering cloud services are probably stronger and more effective than those guarding your home PC and other devices.

Disadvantages of Cloud Servers

  • Since cloud servers are usually multi-host environments, the user has no direct control over the physical location of the servers.
  • A cloud VM may be adversely affected by excessive storage or network requirements of other cloud servers on the same hardware; dedicated cloud servers can help the host avoid this problem.
  • Regulatory obligations and corporate governance standards may prohibit hosts from using cloud servers and storing data in different geographic locations.
  • Cloud servers are subject to periodic and unpredictable service outages, usually due to a failure in the provider’s environment or an unexpected network disruption. Since the user has no control over the cloud provider’s infrastructure, some organizations prefer to keep mission-critical workloads in their local data center rather than in the public cloud. Also, there is no inherent availability or redundancy in public clouds.

The Future of Cloud Technology

Cloud technology allows businesses to scale and adapt to changing business circumstances quickly, accelerating innovation, driving business agility, streamlining operations, and reducing operational costs.

The advantages of cloud computing will give companies the advantage of not only surviving the current financial crisis but also improving their long-term growth through cloud computing, besides assisting them with the present crisis.

You can use ArvanCloud services to have a cloud infrastructure containing a server, switch, router and firewall as a cloud server to use. If you’re interested to create your cloud server in just a few simple steps, click here ArvanCloud Cloud Server to save both time and money.