• 31 January 2025
VoD Streaming, Live Streaming and Covid-19

The COVID 19 (Coronavirus Disease) pandemic caused more than 25 percent of the world’s population to be under lockdown. This has directly resulted in increased demand for VoD Streaming services,Live Streaming Video Platforms and entertainment services. Video Streaming services have experienced an increase of about 15% in viewership during this situation, including working from home. This also caused the businesses to extend their cloud infrastructure used to keep up with the growing demand. In March 2020, there were more than 50% first-time installation/registration for Live Streaming video platforms and Video-on-Demand services.

Individuals worldwide are using various Live Streaming Video Platforms to have recent updates on the status of the Covid19, entertainment, socialize, play games, meetings, and classes. Due to this rise in the social demand for digital content from online and remote sources, Live Streaming Video Platforms and VoD Streaming services have gained increasing popularity.

This article is here to help you get started with Live Streaming and Video-on-Demand services like a pro, whether you are a content creator, gamer, business, artist, or a beginner streamer.

Covid-19 contributes to a long-term boost in remote working and spending time at home. The number of people working from home across the world has doubled during the coronavirus crisis. Many believe that this pandemic will cause a permanent increase in remote working even after the crisis. Although it is acceptable that working from home can keep productivity levels high, many challenges will remain, and businesses need to take action to ensure that they can support everything.

This sudden change not only affected the working circumstances; it changed people’s habits at home. They are stuck at home, using much more VoD Streaming services and Live Streaming Video Platforms to spend their time besides working.

An Overview of VoD and Live Streaming

This crazy pandemic situation directly impacts your business unless you decide to go online and save it. But how?
Live Streaming and Video-on-Demand (VoD) are two of the most popular services in 2020. Media consumption had a breaking record over the past months, and that is a significant point. To refresh your memory, let’s have a glance at these two definitions.

VoD or Video-on-Demand is a service that offers videos, TV or movies available at the user’s convenience. Video on Demand services can help users to choose what to watch when they want. VoD is an increasingly popular Platform allowing users to select and view videos based on their time rather than watch scheduled broadcasts. Typically VoD Streaming services stream through set-up boxes, computers, tablets, and smartphones.

Read also: What is VoD platform? How does it work?

On the other hand, live Streaming means streaming media online and simultaneously recorded and broadcast in real-time. Live Streaming usually uses a remote storage location and makes it possible for users to receive the video a little bites at a time. This way, users’ devices do not have to download the entire video before playing it. Live streaming video will be on the Internet without needing to be recorded or stored. It can be used for TV broadcasts, video game streams, social media videos etc. Live Streaming means one to many connections referring to delivering video content to multiple users at once.

Read also: What is a live streaming platform? How does it work?

These services use large amounts of data and take a large bandwidth; the reliable VoD providers and Live Streaming services like ArvanCloud Streaming and Video Platforms use Content Delivery Network systems (CDN) to deliver high-quality content quickly.

Considering the social distancing and working remotely, Video-on-Demand services and Live Streaming have grown in number and popularity within the last few months more than ever.

VoD and Live Streaming Help Users in Covid 19 Pandemic

Live Streaming is a great short-term option to start working, spending time, and earning money online. Using the Live Streaming services integrated with CDN can help Streaming breaking news announcements, concerts, gaming, sports, time-sensitive productions, conferences, and exclusive content. All you need to access is a device with the Internet and a Live Streaming Video Platform. Live Streaming is a safe option for communicating with people spread over a wider area.

It allows interaction between hosts and the viewers. Participants can see each other; questions can be asked. Live Streaming Video Platforms make it possible to reach hundreds of people. This way, online classes will be held, and work meetings will be available. The live streams can easily be archived in a video catalog, ensuring that users can replay the contents anytime.

When it comes to longevity, reaching for VoD Streaming services is a better choice. Video on Demand services offer long-lasting assets for a business, and they will deliver more value for much longer than just the duration of the live stream. It is clear that people are using VoD every day.

VoD Streaming service provides flexibility meaning that users can enjoy their time anywhere, anytime, on any device. The video providers are also more comfortable this way; they can create a video, upload it, and build a video catalog for relevant content and invite users to watch them.

VoD Platforms are reliable ways to monetize the business. They can be based on subscription models or premium access. Video-on-Demand services’ most beneficiary has been home entertainment. These services were used for watching films, movies, theaters, and documentaries in almost every genre.

Wrapping this up

More people have shifted to the digital world as life outside the home is put on hold. Online Video Platforms and Video Services allow everyone to get the best of their time. The critical point is the post-pandemic experience will likely result in long-term upward shifts of digital technology into people’s daily lives. This has already shown signs of significant growth in Live Streaming Platforms and video-on-demand services.

If you are asking what to use for your business; Live Streaming or Video-on-Demand? The answer is that it is best to use a combination of both. Live Streaming is suitable for repeating works continuously, and VoD makes it possible to do the work once and create the most valuable resources for long-term benefits. If your business depends on online presence and streaming, using a combination of both is likely to be a more effective way of building a comprehensive online business, earning more money, engaging your audiences, and staying strong through whatever might come next.

Since the data traffic continues to increase across the networks, users expect faster Internet and innovations in video technologies. This can be a big challenge for ISPs, network providers, and streaming service providers.

ArvanCloud Live Streaming Video Platform and VoD Streaming services, which are integrated with CDN, can ensure traffic load leading, innovative technologies, high speed, minimum delay, best quality, and unbuffered worldwide connection compatible with all devices.

ArvanCloud VoD Streaming services eliminate the need for any powerful graphical processors. ArvanCloud connections are based on your internet bandwidth without any interruptions.

If you believe that time is money, contact us for having a smooth, world-class, and profitable experience! ArvanCloud Live Streaming Video Platform and Video-on-Demand Service give you the freedom to choose whatever works best for you at any time.

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