• 26 March 2025
Why you need a cloud CDN

What is Cloud CDN? Considering that Cloud CDNs can have various meanings, the basic definition would be a CDN that is a part of the Cloud. A Content Delivery Network or CDN is a geographically distributed network of Points of Presence (PoPs) that will deliver multiple types of content based on location.  Also, Cloud refers to available resources of web services, including compute, storage, and network.

Read also: CDN Hosting vs. Traditional Web Hosting

Cloud CDNs are a part of Cloud provider’s platforms. A robust Cloud CDN like ArvanCloud CDN service with a large telecommunication infrastructure, advanced servers, and high-tech mechanism can open an unlimited horizon of success in front of your business.

Cloud CDNs have some game-changing advantages, which we will discuss in this article thoroughly. If you want to know why you need a CDN and the importance of using a Cloud CDN, keep reading!

5 Reasons to Use Content Delivery Network

Cloud CDNs are a must-have for globally advanced businesses, and here are the top 5 benefits of using a Cloud CDN:

1. High Speed and Enhanced Performance

One of the main reasons why you need CDN services is that it will provide low latency and high transfer speed. CDNs are designed to increase the speed of content delivery, and cloud providers are strictly competitive over improving the speed of their CDNs. As a result, Cloud CDNs will resolve the latency and speed issues, which will cause damage to web businesses. Using a reliable Cloud CDN provider like ArvanCloud CDN service ensures that a website has high performance, high conversion, and growing sales.

The importance of using Cloud CDN is also in decreasing latency. Latency is the delay visitors experience between the time a page is requested and when the content is received and loaded into the visitor’s browsers. Often latency happens by physical distance and heavy workload. Cloud CDN will resolve both.

CDN will allow some of the workload (Static Content) to be offloaded elsewhere, and those who cannot be offloaded (Dynamic Content) will be served to visitors more smoothly and processed quickly. Cloud CDN also allows visitors to receive files from the closest local PoP, rather than from the origin site’s host thousands of miles away.

All combined, The CDN Hosting solutions through cloud acceleration can drastically shorten the time required for delivery (load time), which results in the highest speed, and flawless performance. Therefore the reliability, and scalability of connections will be enhanced, and that is proven to be one of the best reasons to use Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN).

2. DDoS Attacks Protection

DDoS attacks can destroy a business’s reputation by crushing customers’ trust. Cloud CDNs are the new methods of Internet security by adding a layer of protection. A Cloud provider integrated with CDN solutions will design an infrastructure to stop attacks before reaching the data center. A Cloud CDN will manage the traffic and keep the website up and running.

The protective security layer is another reason why you need Cloud CDN. With a Cloud CDN, traffic will be served through the CDN provider to mitigate DDoS attacks on their edge servers. Obviously, security issues are important reasons to use CDNs.

The fact is, Cloud providers often offer native security products. Still, a Cloud CDN service is completely integrated with any platform. It is a powerful web security solution to detect and block web threats of all kinds in the Cloud before the poisonous traffic reaches the protected network.

The other security feature of Cloud CDN is Secure Socket Layer (SSL), which ensures that everything is encrypted between the CDN edge servers and the origin server by generating secured links with an expiration time. For instance, ArvanCloud CDN has a unique custom protocol to handle large mitigations by offering information encryption, access control, and the permitted number of requests per user on a website.

3. Useful Analytics

Another popular reason for why you need cloud CDN is its perfect analytical info. The emphasizing importance of using a Cloud CDN is it will distribute the resources to multiple nodes, and as a result, it optimizes the load capacity per user request.

Each CDN node will provide reliable data about the traffic coming to a website. CDNs dynamically distribute assets to edge servers and strategic cores. They can give a view of real-time load, statistics, show active regions, and customer details.

ArvanCloud CDN solution analytics, for instance, offers attack analysis, traffic analysis, user analysis, geo analysis, page analysis, status, and error analysis.

These are the most critical information a developer will need to know to optimize further and enhance a website. These details become even more necessary when the user logs are deactivated once the server source is added to the CDN.

With detailed analytical info, a business can increase performance and achieve the best user experience, reflecting sales and conversion rates.

4. Affordable Price and Better Investment

CDNs used to be very expensive, but cloud technology offered comprehensive and accessible CDNs to businesses. With a Cloud CDN, the cost of bandwidth is cheaper than hiring a traditional hosting provider. The load will be shared with the origin server, and this will result in lower bandwidth consumption. This is a significant reason to use cloud CDN. It will manage most of the website’s bandwidth and reduce the origin server’s load or costs.

Cloud CDNs provide affordable offers for various businesses, from small to large websites. They also have different types like image-specific CDNs that are cheaper, and some are even more advanced, offering hotlink protection and origin shield. These costs depend on bandwidth, region reach, and security/SSL needs. The list is not limited, and a business can find a reliable Cloud CDN service fitted to its budget and requirements.

Using Cloud CDN edge servers reduces the computations required, and it will deliver high-quality content faster. With the potentials, Cloud CDNs are a worthy investment in the long run. Another importance of using Cloud CDN is that it reduces additional hardware costs and extra commuting resources, especially RAM and CPU. Considering the rising flow of data globalization, a business can expand its market by deploying this service. That is why you need CDN.

5. SEO Advantages

Page speed is a crucial factor in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Most of the search engines consider the page loading speed on their ranking algorithm. Having a fast website will cause moving up on search engine result pages (SERPs). Optimizing a website loading speed with a Cloud CDN will guide search engines to frequently crawl the content, causing it to be widely available and index faster.

A compelling reason to use Cloud CDN directly affects a website’s rank in the search engine results by offering page speed, fast data transmission, security, and enhancing user experience.

Image utilization is also another importance of using Cloud CDN. Search engines like Google often index images more than other content and web pages. A traditional web hosting will not allow image utilization. But a Cloud CDN instead will make it possible to host the images on it and load them on pages as fast as possible.

By a quick comparison between a Cloud CDN based website and a non-CDN based one, you can understand the vast differences in performances.

Cloud CDNs use caching algorithms and canonical headers to improve the SEO of a website. They will combat duplicate content creation issues as well. The most relevant and recent content loads first from across the cached version of a website using Cloud CDN.

Using Content Delivery Network

Should You Use a CDN?

Whether you own a business website or mobile application that generates massive traffic, Cloud CDNs will benefit you. Cloud CDNs will ease everything for websites with various amounts of content with different types. CDNs will help businesses with visitors, users, consumers from multiple geographical locations.

Overall a Cloud CDN will provide many performance benefits for your business. Cloud CDNs will reduce the load on the primary host by distributing bandwidth across multiple server nodes. This will bring a smooth and high-quality experience for users.

Why do you need CDN? What are the different reasons to use a Content Delivery Service? As we discussed in this article, there are many ways a Cloud CDN can benefit your business’ website and application. Cloud CDNs improve performance, enhance SEO advantages, affect conversion rates, indicating better user experience, mitigating DDoS attacks with affordable prices and useful analytics.

If you are planning to implement a Cloud CDN, make sure you contact a professional CDN provider that can enhance your site’s SEO and usability. Not sure where to start? If you have not yet had a chance to try a Cloud CDN, go for the ArvanCloud CDN service and test the results for yourself. You can check out ArvanCloud free CDN service to ensure it is exactly what you need.

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