• 23 February 2025
Best Free Managed DNS

There are several features to consider first when choosing the best free managed DNS service. With the globalization of data, new threats are waiting to take down a business. This is the exact time when using a reliable managed DNS Hosting will support the redundancy of resources, security, scalability, speed, and continuity. Of Course, paid DNS services may offer additional options, but sometimes a trusted free managed DNS provider can help you as well.

This article will help you know about DND Hosting, its features, and how to choose the best free cloud DNS Hosting for your business/startup.

What is DNS hosting?

DNS Hosting is a network service that provides Domain Name System resolution services. A DNS Hosting service will build, operate, and provision domain name servers integrated with domain name register, Web hosting services, and Internet service providers (ISP).

A DNS Hosting refers to static/dynamic DNS services using a backend server, providing DNS functionality (like domain translation, domain lookup and DNS forwarding), maintaining a list of configured domain names and processing all domain lookup requests from peer servers.

Read also: 3 Types of DNS Servers

Importance of DNS Hosting Services

Control Features: A reliable DNS service makes it possible to block access to specific sites from different networks.

Cross Censorship: A DNS service can help to avoid any censorship in certain areas. The censorship carried out by blocking access to particular sites through the ISP’s DNS, and an effective way to bypass this to change the current DNS server used by computers.

Content Restriction: DNS servers can help bypass the content restrictions for geographical areas. DNS service can replace the restricted IP address with a not restricted one from the allowed regions.

Internet Security: Since internet security has become an essential issue these years, it is essential to protect data more than any other time. A DNS server can help businesses by ensuring all queries go through a specific server which will secure them (using DNSSEC protocol) against attacks and related issues.

Fast Web Browsing: DNS servers will resolve the slow internet speeds. It can influence how fast web pages appear on screens. A recommended and reliable DNS service can establish the fastest internet connections.

What Is Managed DNS Service?

Managed DNS is an advanced service entirely managed by a specialist DNS hosting company. Managed DNSs are like a managed server, and they will handle the full management of a business resource (website, application, and communication). The managed DNS has different levels of services. The owner will also have a control panel to manage the DNS records, but the professional DNS hosting company implements the technical and specific details.

Read What Is Managed DNS for more information.

Features of the Best Cloud DNS Hosting


A successful business tries to have no single point of failure. DNS Hosting provides DNS redundancy, a backup mechanism for DNS outages caused by configuration errors, infrastructure failure, or a DDoS attack. As a matter of fact, a single dedicated DNS server might not be sufficient in these cases, and deploying multiple DNS providers in different networks ensures DNS availability.

A common approach toward this solution is to adjust one of the DNS providers as primary and the other one as secondary at primary provider service. This will make it possible for the Zones records to be synchronized from primary to the secondary.


A free managed DNS service should offer proper defense against attacks. A reliable free managed DNS service will use IP anycast and a network infrastructure system with multiple geographically distributed PoPs (points of presence) around the globe. This advanced routing provides load balancing, redundancy, decreased latency, effective response to all the Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

A safe, free managed DNS like ArvanCloud DNS service is entirely redundant, and allows traffic to travel the efficient path to the destination by creating a multi-level backup system. In technical language, Domain Name Server is the Achilles heel of the web. DDoS attacks, as a type of DoS attack, is an attempt to make a network’s resources unavailable by using thousands of unique IP addresses and spoofing DNS queries.

ArvanCloud Managed DNS Hosting provides security features including firewall policies, rate limiting, filtering, and blocking to mitigate and prevent DDoS attacks.

Read also: What is a DDoS Attack and How to prevent against it?


Another important feature to consider before choosing the best free cloud DNS hosting is speed. Using a fast, free managed DNS service ensures that there will be less latency between DNS lookup and TTFB (Time to First Byte is measuring the duration from the moment users request the first byte of the page received on the browser). Best free managed DNS services have multiple PoPs. Having more distributed locations means the DNS server will be much closer to users and decrease the lookup time.

When choosing the best free managed DNS hosting, reliability is one of the most critical factors. Reliability is where every detail is working to ensure that nothing will affect the website when something happens. Reliability encompasses security, redundancy, and speed. With reliable free managed DNS hosting, there is no additional infrastructure needed. The best managed DNS hosting servers are located globally, and they will eliminate any single point of failure. A reliable DNS hosting service will ensure that the service will be uninterrupted even if one of the equipment fails.


To be at the top of the list for the best free cloud DNS hosting, it is necessary to offer the highest quality of service. Managed DNS hosting offers an advanced scale DNS network with various PoPs. They are geographically distributed and located all around the globe. These distributed sets of servers will automatically accelerate the responding process by sending the request to the closest points of presence.

This will directly improve the performance and guarantee that the destination is always accessible for users. For instance, ArvanCloud Free DNS Hosting responds to all DNS requests in less than ten milliseconds using its exclusive Authoritative DNS and extensive network.

Support and Service

To include a free managed DNS Hosting in the best category, it must offer the best support and service. Managing a DNS is not an easy task, and to have a perfect system, a dedicated and professional team is necessary. The support team can keep up with the latest changes in DNS, always monitor the issues, and resolve the problems as well.

Reports and Analytics

Another significant factor in calling a service the best free managed DNS hosting is the analytics and reports it offers. A reliable free managed DNS Hosting will provide valuable data about the DNS traffic, real-time load, and statistics. There are only a few DNS providers that offer such analytics and reports.

ArvanCloud free Cloud DNS Hosting makes it possible to monitor the Round-Robin load balancing of the assigned IPs to a domain, accessibility status, and server health. These are the most critical information a business will need to know to enhance a website. With detailed analytical info, a business can increase performance and achieve the best user experience, reflecting sales and conversion rates.

The best free managed DNS Hosting service will offer precise and practical analytics such as log generation, traffic analysis, monitoring requests/geolocations, IP health check, usage and downtime trends.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we gathered the most important factors for choosing the best free managed DNS service. Although the accessibility of free DNS Hosting is beneficial to any online entrepreneurs and businesses, the best free Cloud DNS Hosting must offer redundancy, complete security, fast speed, uninterrupted availability, flawless performance, and useful analytics.

ArvanCloud high-tech free Managed DNS Hosting service will help you save a serious amount of expenses by offering exceptional premium features of Paid DNS Hostings for free! Contact us with any further questions you may have.

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